Well this entry is coming to you from WET and Green Seattle Washington.. The flowers are begining to bloom...the Rhubarb is ready to cut and the trees are starting to leaf out(pollen...yuk)
We made the trip over the mountain peaks to help out a family member who is going through cancer treatment. Hopefully things will go well...but only time will tell...It has been a hectic week so far, with a doctor appointment today.
I guess I forgot why it is so green here...hmmmmm it has rained most of the time we have been here....
I am quickly reminded how spoiled I am to live in Northwest Montana in the middle of no where...The traffic here is non-stop...well actually that is not true....sometimes it comes to a complete stop and you sit there on a major interstate....guess I forgot...gas is $3.41 (Costco) upward with $3.75 the highest I have seen.....I am not sure I could live in this type of environment....lots of people everywhere.....I know I would adjust...but....give me fresh air and non chorinated water......Hard to understand how people survive here because of the cost of living...The number of street folks is heart wrenching to see....very sad.....Lots of "haves" and lots of "have nots" with not a lot of in between...SAD
Other than seeing family members the one great thing about coming here is multiple opportunities to visit large woodworking stores.....that is dangerous...I am like a kid in a candy store.......!!!!! Walking into a Woodcraft store is unbelievable....anything and everything one could possibliy need/want is right there for you to touch...very dangerous...but I will try and behave......
will try and post some photos later on if there is enough light and I dry out...
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