Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Project?

Due to several pending projects, this one is being put on hold for a bit.

Any guesses?  Will it be bigger than a bread box?

Here we are in glue up and with all the clamps......

After letting the glue set up overnight we will start milling this to desired dimensions. I applied plenty of glue to ensure a good bond.

Here we are out of all the clamps with the edges squared and all the glue cleaned off of outer surfaces.

The outside wood strips are Dark Walnut and the center strip is Hard Maple.  It is roughly 30 inches long and 4 inches square. Don't you think the Walnut and Maple look good together?

Different position....???

Stay tuned for more updates soon.... :-)


For more information about ordering your own custom board go to:


  1. Is this possibly a pepper mill in the making??

  2. hmmmm...could it be the closest I have been to one is a long time?


Please leave any comments you may have.