Friday, March 19, 2010

Scott Morrison inspired Custom Rocking Chair continues...Part 13...........

The first coat of the oil finish has been applied. Now must sit for over 24 hours..then some steel wool..check out any spots I might have missed...if any then another oil coat,,,sit over 24 hours..steel wool.... Then start the first of three coats of the poly/wax finish....Almost there.....Looks nice if I do say so myself....

Custom Bloodwood plugs

Custom Footstool


Stay tuned for more updates soon......:-)

For more information about ordering your own custom board go to:


  1. I love it! I can hardly wait to rock tootbomb in it.

  2. Love your designs really...the rocking chair is very nice with the back seat in it's own original style.

  3. well done dave...that was a lot of work, it looks beautiful.

  4. Excellent work Dave. I'd be proud to own such a marvelous piece of woodworking.

    -Scott Morrison


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