Update: The Bean Table has been delivered and was a big success with everyone. I now know that this type table is also called a sensory table and is used to teach shapes, colors, different textures, numbers.....etc.... the list is endless. It was wonderful to see it in action and learn the true meaning of its function.
Ssssssh........ Artist at work..... |
Bean table in action. |
Chalkboard table top being put to use.. |
Note left for Santa...along with his personal reply. How cool is that? |
This table is being built for a
very active two and 1/2 year old who just happens to be my granddaughter . I have no idea what a bean table is, I am just building it to the specs I was given.. I was told build it for a two year old to try and tear up... So of course I probably over designed it. It is around 25 inches x 27 inches wide and 20 inches tall.
It was made out of pine with an MDF table top insert. The top lip was added and is rounded over to provide a smooth surface for anyone playing on it.
It has two layer, the bottom layer is an enclosed space for counting beans or any other thing which might need contained...perhaps a puzzle..
The table top will be painted with a chalk board paint so it can be used for writing or drawing on. The top can be easily removed.
Periwinkle blue paint will be the main coat after a coat of primer to seal the wood. Once I have several coats of paint on and they are dry, I will add a coat of polyurethane to provide a clear protective surface. Hopefully this will all happen quickly as this needs to be somewhere by Christmas.... and the sleigh leaves early Friday morning.
Basic table gets its coat of Perwinkle |
Basic table differrent angle first coat Periwinkle |
Removable table top get first coat of periwinkle. |
Primer drying..first coat paint tomorrow... |
The first coat of chalkboard paint goes on the top. |
It has been requested to be painted periwinkle except for the chalk board top.
hmmmm I think she has good taste..... |
Here is the table completed with table top in place before final sanding and painting. |
The table top is completed |
table top in glue up |
The inside table top for counting "beans" or whatever |
Filling the holes and cracks to make a smooth surface. |
MDF insert cut to fit the table top. |
The table is slowly coming together. |
Stay tuned for more updates soon......:-)
For more information about ordering your own custom board go to:
You're the BEST Grand Papa!