Thursday, December 10, 2015

Life takes control.......... Sorry for the Delays in Project posting.. soon very soon..... :-)

After a very busy summer....   fall took over and turned toward preparing for winter.... I know the place I would have loved to have been would.... have been out on the water in my kayak....

However.....  that didn't happen... although hope to find some place warm this winter and get some serious water time in...... But for now with several necessary projects around the house and winter rapidly approaching .... shop projects and kayaking fun will have to share time with outside projects.
I have slowly been building this post for some time and figured I should finish it and post so folks would know what was going on here with me.

Here is a few of those distractions  .......

This is how my fall started out....Finally figured out why we had no water pressure...
 after changing the pump, pipes and pressure tank...

This is what happened last winter to our trailer storage and prompted the following structure..

Thank goodness for machinery

Ready for gravel base
Gravel arrived

and spread

Framework started

Now we don't have to worry about the snow crushing our trailers or Jeep this winter.

These two cuties didn't really cause me any work one night .... but they sure upset our dogs..

Had to pick up 1 1/2 cord bundles from the valley.. took two loads for each bundle. I hauled at least 6 loads.. we will be warm this winter.. so bring it on ole man winter... 

These are awesome... just have to chop saw them into the right lengths
Cut just need to stack.....I love wood heat.... it warms you when you process it and again when you burn it

For those of you who haven't seen our back yard... this is a necessity,
which you will see why in the next photo or as the winter progresses this year.

This was last year at this time....  :-)

After several long periods without power.. we finally gave in and headed to town ...
where I had to fight off folks at Home Depot who had the same ideas....

So now that my break is over and I hear my shop calling....
 it is back to the shop and busy busy busy... 
Hope to have some fun projects posted very soon....
Thanks for your love and support

Stay tuned for more updates soon......:-) ****************************************************************
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