This request came from several different clients. Wanting to use my lathe more I was intrigued to try my hand at making these. The first one has produced rave reviews with slight suggestions to improve them. I am learning each one should be made for the individual persons likes or dislikes. First comment was can you make something like this, only make a bigger bubble up from the point.
It is roughly 6 inches long with the point and throat around a number 5....Once it was turned on lathe, the tip is shaped by hand using files and knifes. Then finish sanding and coating with a hand rubbed finish.
The biggest comment I have heard so far is the standard crochet hooks make your hand tired after using them for a while. Therefore the bubble turned into my hooks allow the user to cradle it in your fingers.
First project in progress with this hook. |
Lathe work and hand shaping done with a hand rubbed finish applied |
Basic shape in progress of being turned. |
Starting out with the rough piece of wood on the lathe. |
Standard sizing template I found on line. |
Stay tuned for more updates soon......:-)
For more information about ordering your own custom board go to:
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